Charitable Events - 2019
Aquidneck 10K - Sunday March 24th @ 10 AM
Second Beach, Middletown, RI
Total Time: 58:53
Pace: 9.28.6 min/mi
Overall Place: 250 out of 634
Gender: 135 out of 215
Age Group 55-59: 10 out of 22
RI State Police 5K Foot Pursuit - Sunday April 28th @ 10 AM
North Beach Clubhouse, Narragansett, RI
Total Time: 27:36
Pace: 8'57"
Place: 245/855
Gender: 169/440
Division M50-59: 28/75
Best Buddies 100 Mile Ride - Saturday June 1st @ 7 AM
Dorchester to Hyannis, MA
Finish at the 50 - Wednesday July 3rd @ 7 PM
Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, MA
Place: 382/917
Division Place: 45/82 - M50-59
Time: 1:00:01
Average Pace: 9:40 min/mi